We, at 10857254 Canada Inc doing business as FloridaVacationz.com, don't offer any services where the Listing (advertisement) owners can send or receive any payment through the FloridaVacationz.com. We at FloridaVacationz.com just offer the advertisement space which you can purchase to promote your business. We don't provide any kind of booking Services.
FloridaVacationz.com is a marketplace and does not have control over anything i.e. listed on the site. Owners have the authority to change, edit, manage and update anything and everything, ranging from their properties to their cars rentals. You need to agree to these risks before using the website. In case you need to report about any listings on the website from our ends, please feel free to email us report@FloridaVacationz.com, there will be a prompt response from expertise team.
If you choose a particular listing just by seeing the photos, content, details of rates and the likes, please understand that these information have been added by the listing owners. FloridaVacationz.com has nothing to do with it. We are never unaccountable for any in actions. We only provide space to advertise different travel related businesses on FloridaVacationz.com and also not responsible to manage any property, car, Bnb, restaurant or hotel.
However, we advise both parties, listing owners and users (travelers) to be clear about everything, from cancellation to refund policies about the listing. As a user if you come across anything wrong with any particular service, you can give your valuable feedback. We will certainly entertain the issue and try our level best to rectify those errors.
Transfer of Rental Properties, Cars, Hotels, BnB and Restaurants.
Provide us the name, address, contact number and billing address of the new owner and we will make sure he or she is contacted and verified. You can further go through cancellation policy if you want to stop the service for any reason.
Cancellation Policy:
Notify us if you want to stop, cancel or remove the service from 10857254 Canada Inc., we will do it within a certain period of time. For Refund go through our Refund Policy.
Listing and Content policies:
FloridaVacationz.com will remove, delete or cancel the listing that fails to qualify our listing standards. We have a procedure for this and each listing has to pass our norms and standards. We will also not tolerate any kind of obscenity, vulgarity or lewd comments on the website or anything not suiting our policy.
Vacation Rental Inquiries:
Sometimes spam inquiries are delivered by email and should not be regarded as private. In this regard, we are not held responsible. We constantly monitor and filter spam inquiries before delivery to the owners.
Site Updates:
Updating our site at any point of time without prior notice is at our discretion.