The "Shack" contains enough dishes, pots, pans, linen, books and surprises to make your stay comfortable.
You are encouraged to go through cupboards and drawers. The chances are great that you will find what you
need. If you can’t find something, call Ann to see if she knows where it is. One of our mottos is: “If it’s not
here, you don’t need it.”
Ask Ann about the sky lanterns. If a guest breaks something they usually repair or replace it themselves. As
far as regular maintenance is concerned, in the 20 years that Ann has owned the "Shack" everything has
been replaced at least once including floors, doors and windows. The third round of appliance replacement is
in progress. Naturally furniture and electronics change more often. This little place is used by family and
friends. You will feel welcomed from the moment you walk in the door.
There is no security deposit, because in 17 years guests have respected the little condo and have taken
great care. The view of the beach is excellent and the windows the length of the unit provide natural light all
day. Ground level convenience is one of our biggest assets. Just walk out the door onto the beach. There is a
monitored alarm system if you worry about leaving your valuables for a day trip. This has never been a
problem, but a guest once worried about photo equipment. The system was installed, but the next time that
she came she did not use it. If you wish to use the system tell Ann and she will program a code for you.
Usually the last 4 digits of your cell number.